Pinner Bulletin
More developments in Pinner Shops
Who has been smashing shop window fronts in Bridge Street, and today I noticed that Cafe Nero in Love Lane had all it's front windows smashed? They also ripped up a parking pole in Love Lane. What are the local police, or should I say national as the police station is not open that often, doing about this?
Bella Cafe now has a front on it.
The lovely cat that visits Barnados Shop was having a lovely snooze on the counter when I went in today.
Above may look like a scene from a science fiction film, but alas it is a trailer abandoned under the bridge in Chapel Lane
Now the snow has gone, and the ice has melted the ducks are back in the pond in Memorial park. The picture above with one of the drake ducks doing what they do best, ducking. Also there is an unusual coloured duck, I assume male, with a white spot on a black body! We also saw a Jay pecking in the undergrowth in the trees and bushes near the Chapel Lane exit from the Memorial Park.
This is a view of the pond in Memorial Park with some ice still to thaw, thankfully at the time of typing this things have greatly improved, all the wildfowl have returned.
Here are some pictures of the ducks today, they have all come out to enjoy the small amount of sunshine we have had. We are so lucky that the wildfowl keeps returning to delight us all. Long may they return!
A new opticians has opened in Bridge Street. It is next door to the Indian Restaurant with the unfortunate name of Titash !
In one of
the mobile phone shops in Bridge Street, is this cute model of an
android, the mascot of the excellent Android operating system used on
some phones and tablet computers. If you want a cheap basic pink 7"
tablet pop into Lidls before the £79.99 models sell out!
When I took these pictures of the George Pub I feared that is was going to close and be demolished, as there was planning permission for offices on the site, or at least I thought. I have done a quick search on the Internet and have ascertained from the Wealdstone FC forum that it is due to be renovated.
News update 1/2/2013 The George is boarded up, and someone has put paint over every notice on the windows. A small scratch reveals it has been sealed up by the landlord, possibly for non payment of rent. This could indeed be the end of this pub sadly
Here are pictures of the pub which used to be owned by Salters Brewery in Rickmansworth when it first opened. My wife and I used to visit the put in the 70s after doing the household cleaning on a Friday Night. Whilst we cleaned we listened to Nicky Horne on Capital Radio with his rock show titled "Your Mother Wouldn't Like it". Nicky Horne still does a rock show, on Planet Rock on digital dab radio.
News update 1/2/2013 The George is boarded up, and someone has put paint over every notice on the windows. A small scratch reveals it has been sealed up by the landlord, possibly for non payment of rent. This could indeed be the end of this pub sadly
Here are pictures of the pub which used to be owned by Salters Brewery in Rickmansworth when it first opened. My wife and I used to visit the put in the 70s after doing the household cleaning on a Friday Night. Whilst we cleaned we listened to Nicky Horne on Capital Radio with his rock show titled "Your Mother Wouldn't Like it". Nicky Horne still does a rock show, on Planet Rock on digital dab radio.

Finally who has been driving over the grass in Pinner Memorial Park? If it is a council worker, or someone from Daisy's in the Park Cafe shame on you!
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