Thursday, 30 May 2013

History of Pinner Fair

My post made in 2010, also filed elsewhere on this blog

In celebration of the 2010 Pinner Fair which took place today

Every year since 1336 Pinner Fair has gone ahead in some capacity. But with running costs in excess of £45,000 the historical family fixture is desperately in danger of being dropped from the calender. Since the 14th Century the fair has been protected by Royal Charter giving organisers the right to run the event on the first Wednesday after May Bank Holiday. However, the Showmen’s Guild, which runs it, are threatening to pull out because it is struggling to stump up the cash – needed to pay for road closures, health and safety checks and the removal of street fittings like bollards and bus stops.  I wrote this last year when I took photos and posted them on Pictures of England.  I have linked to my own copyright pictures taken in 2009.  Other than the fact that they removed the bus shelters in Bridge Street Pinner nearly 2 weeks early, I am pleased to report that it went ahead today.  The village was sealed off from traffic and the fair was allowed as usual to fill the streets and pavements. Harrow Council then have the job of clearing up the streets and repairing any damage.  Hillingdon my borough on the other hand other problems, dealing with immigrants and problems that come in and out of Heathrow airport.

The fair as you can see from the photos attracts the young and teenagers.  The music in the 60s was great it was rock and roll and pop, it is the same now except it is contemporary music, which for people like me in the 50s loses the appeal.  Also the fair is still colourful but in a slightly scary style.  Pinner is steeped in history and tradition and long may it continue.  Northwood has lost its annual carnival, and all over Middlesex tradition is being lost.

Pinner Fair - some videos

Here are a selection of pictures I took of the fair setting up on the evening of the 28th May 2013
Here are a selection of pictures I took of the fair in action, less people there because it was around 10 am in the morning

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Adverts appearing on this blog without my permission

Apologies for the adverts that are appearing at the top of  my blog. This is happening without my consent.  If they continue I may migrate my blog to Wordpress, but want to avoid that, please bear with this situation if it annoys you.

Just checked this out on my phone, it appears to be adware on the laptop.  Will try to sort this out with spybot or the like.  Beware of flash video games, my wife plays.

Pinner Fair

Tomorrow the 29th will see the annual Pinner Fair, which was enabled by Royal Charter many years ago.

I will do a more detailed post about the fair later on, but here as a taster are a few pictures of the fair setting up tonight

Thursday, 2 May 2013


Another sunny day, with a cool breeze.  The ducks in the Memorial Park have been busy and have produced babies.  I was talking to a lady in the park, who was as dissapointed as me that she did not have her "real camera" I think these pictures on my mobile are not too bad.  It is miraculous how young life just presents itself.  Amazing how the eggs have remained intact through the cold nights.  These tiny creatures are perfect miniature ducks, they have a little bit of trouble not spinning around when swimming. The single duckling was pecked by Mum and Dad. Either they were scolding it, or ensuring it is used to protecting itself in the wild?