Vote them out at the first possible opportunity! My last post on council tax gave the wrong amount spent on consultancy fees spent by our lousy council
Brent always get subsidies - how about Harrow getting some! If it was not illegal I would stop paying Harrow Council Tax - I dare you to.............................
I heard from a lady in a charity shop in Pinner that the Librarians have had to take a £1,000 cut in salary, if this is so this is out of order! If you are a librarian and have lost this amount of salary please post anonymously in the comments below.
From the Harrow Observer Site
Council tax to increase by 2 per cent as new budget is approved with 34 councillors in favour
11:51pm Thursday 28th February 2013 in News
By Jaber Mohamed

Harrow Borough Council approves new budget
Harrow Borough Council has agreed a two per cent rise in council tax for the year from April.
The rise will increase the amount an average Band D household pays by £23.97 a year, from £1493.27 to £1513.28.
The budget also includes cuts of more than £650,000 from the street
cleaning, rubbish collection and park maintenance budget and 230 staff
Conservative group leader Councillor Susan Hall, said the she
"abhorred" the cuts to the public realms budget and “could not and would
not” support the budget.
The Hatch End councillor said: “All councils have a moral duty to freeze council tax during these difficult times.”
This week figures obtained by Councillor James Bond revealed a total
of £4,078,040 was spent on consultants between May 2010 and September
Cllr Hall added: “Just look at how much money this council is spending
on outside consultants while we are losing council officers.”
Council leader Cllr Thaya Idaikkadar said tough decisions had to be
made because of a 28 per cent cut to local government funding compared
to eight per cent in other departments.
He said: “Of course we would have liked to invest in the public realm
but the cuts mean that we had to choose between keeping the libraries
and children centres open and investing in social care instead of
putting money into street cleaning.”
The council's portfolio holder for finance Cllr Sachin Shah, said this
budget was for the long term and the council tax increase would plug an
£8million spending gap while protecting the most vulnerable in the
He added: “We are protecting those that are most in need by investing in social care and children’s services.”
The council is hoping to balance the books by 2015 by saving £75m with its new budget plan.
The plans won with a majority of 34 councillors voting in favour and 27 against.